Turbine and Jet Powered Aircraft
Regular Advertisement Submission Form.
Important Note...
Please print this form and fill in the required information. 
Please print clearly for all responses. Mail/fax using the
following information.
3336 Associates Drive
Burton, Michigan 48529-1302
810-232-9979 Phone
810-232-7177 Fax
866-232-9979 Toll Free Phone
866-232-7177 Toll Free Fax

Required Information (*)

- Aircraft Company/Owner Information
                        First Name (*): _______________________________
                         Last Name (*): _______________________________
                          Company Name: _______________________________
                           Address (*): _______________________________
                              City (*): _______________________________
                    State/Location (*): _______________________________
                               Zip (*): _______________________________
                Phone Number - Day (*): _______________________________
               Phone Number - Evenings: _______________________________
                 Optional Phone Number: _______________________________
                            Fax Number: _______________________________
                       Cellular Number: _______________________________
                          Pager Number: _______________________________
                  E-mail Address - One: _______________________________
                  E-mail Address - Two: _______________________________
       (Home Page Link is required for
                External Link Address)
                        Home Page Link: _______________________________

- Aircraft Overview and Summary Data
                 Aircraft Manufacturer
               and Type/Description(*): _______________________________
                         Aircraft Year: _______________________________
          Aircraft Registration Number: _______________________________
                Aircraft Serial Number: _______________________________
                   Aircraft Total Time: _______________________________
                    Number of Landings: _______________________________
                  Location of Aircraft: _______________________________
                          Asking Price: _______________________________
                Last Annual Inspection: _______________________________

 - Aircraft Engine and Propeller Times
     Engine Total Time - Left Outboard: _______________________________
                          Left Inboard: _______________________________
  Right Inboard/Single Engine Aircraft: _______________________________
                        Right Outboard: _______________________________                             
Engine Total Time SMOH - Left Outboard: _______________________________
                          Left Inboard: _______________________________
  Right Inboard/Single Engine Aircraft: _______________________________
                        Right Outboard: _______________________________
      Engine Time SHOT - Left Outboard: _______________________________
                          Left Inboard: _______________________________
  Right Inboard/Single Engine Aircraft: _______________________________
                        Right Outboard: _______________________________ 
   Propeller Time SPOH - Left Outboard: _______________________________
                          Left Inboard: _______________________________
  Right Inboard/Single Engine Aircraft: _______________________________
                        Right Outboard: _______________________________
                              APU Time: _______________________________

- Exterior/Interior Colors/Appointments
                        Exterior Color: _______________________________
                     Exterior Trim One: _______________________________
                     Exterior Trim Two: _______________________________
                     Interior Overview: _______________________________
                    Interior Color One: _______________________________
                    Interior Color Two: _______________________________

- Avionics
                     Avionics Overview: _______________________________
                           Audio Panel: _______________________________
                             Autopilot: _______________________________
                            Nav/Comm 1: _______________________________
                            Nav/Comm 2: _______________________________
                    Weather Protection: _______________________________
                                   GPS: _______________________________
                           Transponder: _______________________________
                         Description 1: _______________________________
                         Description 2: _______________________________

- Optional Equipment and Accessories
                             Option #1: _______________________________
                             Option #2: _______________________________
                             Option #3: _______________________________
                             Option #4: _______________________________
                             Option #5: _______________________________
                             Option #6: _______________________________

- Any additional information we should have to process this ad?

Sixty (60) Day Run Time...
(Please circle the appropriate advertisement type)

Turbine Powered Regular Advertisement:                          $ 7.95

Jet Powered Regular Advertisement:                               12.95

                                            Total Enclosed     $  
- Payment Method (please mark the appropriate selection)

      Check: _____ (see note below)

Money Order: _____      
 MasterCard: _____ Card Number: ______________________ Exp. Date: _____
                        Name on Card: _________________________________
 Credit Card Authorization Signature: _________________________________
 (Please charge my credit card the
 total listed above)
        Visa: _____ Card Number: ______________________ Exp. Date: _____
                        Name on Card: _________________________________
 Credit Card Authorization Signature: _________________________________
 (Please charge my credit card the
  total listed above)
Important Note:

Advertisements will not be viewable until payment has cleared.

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